Having being his team mate for almost a decade I have come to know that Bipin Pandit is one tough guy. Keeping this quality of his in mind, I’ve given him the nickname of ‘Iron’ man. To explain further, this is what I mean by it: I Intelligent R Robust O OPULENT N nurturing This is exactly how he is, both, on the inside and the outside. To describe him in a few words, he’s someone with a very caring nature, fair in appreciation, has a very pleasing personality, a great mimicry artist, and an unusual being who always wants to do something different. He also happens to have flawless knowledge when it comes to event management and matters concerning INVESTMENTS! He is one person who has always taught me to be and work independently in life. He has the knack of cracking the most hilarious jokes right in the middle of an extremely serious discussion! He also happens to be a man who takes his palate very seriously. He knows his priorities and fulfills every responsibility given to him. His speech turns as sweet as honey when it comes to getting things done from people, “Beta yeh kar dena” which is great, since it always seems to work! At the end of the day this is the real BIPIN “SIR” as I always call him out of respect: B BINDAAS I INVENTIVE P PASSIONATE AND POSITIVE I INTERESTING N Naughty (as usual) I admire his loyalty towards both families – His own and the AD club At the end of the day I always say to myself, “Here is a man whom I must learn something from.”