I have known Bipin Pandit since around 5 years and know him as a multi faceted personality. He runs the Ad Club Mumbai, of which he’s the General Manager, with a lot of vigour and enthusiasm. He is a humorist. He is a compere. He is a musician. He is also a good husband and a father. Among many of Bipin?? strength is his ability to stay focused on the task. It is no mean achievement to commander the activities of the Ad Club, given the sheer volume of activities and the diversity: from Abbies Awards to Quiz shows to Education programs to other matters like membership activities, the Club Secreteriat and so on. What is particularly note worthy is that it?? a challenge to handle the demands of thousands of members ??all of them from an industry that has prima donnas with massive ego?? and fickle tempers to boot!
Well, he has been exemplary in his handling KUDOS!